Friday, October 30, 2009

This past week I have seen God moving. Yesterday a friend who I hadn't talked to in a while contacted me. Let me explain why this is a big deal. The last time I saw this friend he refused to talk to me. I never felt such a sense of hatred as I felt from this friend. it was for absolutely no reason that I could see as to why he randomly decided to hate me. One week we talked for hours about life, and the next he refused to even acknowledge me. While I was hurt, I felt like I wasn't supposed to say anything to him. So our friendship was severed, I thought the good times were gone. And all for a reason I had no idea about.
Now that you understand this context, when this boy contacted me yesterday, I was wary. However I was shocked when he told me he was sorry. I asked him for what, and he gave me an in depth apology for how he had acted towards me all those many months ago.

I'm so glad that I didn't do anything stupid back when he hated me. I guess God's way always is the right way.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Shoes for Tomorrow
I want some Toms.
Not only are they the most comfortable shoes on the planet, but whenever someone buys a pair of Toms, a child in need gets a free pair of shoes. They're comfort level is a cross between slippers & flip flops. You feel as if you aren't wearing anything, yet they have a fairly solid bottom. Solid enough to go longboarding in, which is what I would use them for. Not only are they practical, there has been an explosion Toms recently. Now they are ridiculously popular.
Look at the Toms website for a complete explanation of their movement towards helping children in need.

"Of the planet's six billion people, four billion live in conditions inconceivable to many. Lets take a step towards a better tomorrow."
-Toms website

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ridiculous? I think yes.

Last week six-year-old Zachary Christie brought a Club Scout utensil to school. Because school officials saw it as a weapon, he is now facing 45 days in the districts reform school. Zachary was excited about joining the Scouts, which is why he brought the Club Scout "all in one" utensil to school. The school has a weapon policy that apparently found this fork/spoon/knife to be dangerous.