Monday, October 19, 2009

Shoes for Tomorrow
I want some Toms.
Not only are they the most comfortable shoes on the planet, but whenever someone buys a pair of Toms, a child in need gets a free pair of shoes. They're comfort level is a cross between slippers & flip flops. You feel as if you aren't wearing anything, yet they have a fairly solid bottom. Solid enough to go longboarding in, which is what I would use them for. Not only are they practical, there has been an explosion Toms recently. Now they are ridiculously popular.
Look at the Toms website for a complete explanation of their movement towards helping children in need.

"Of the planet's six billion people, four billion live in conditions inconceivable to many. Lets take a step towards a better tomorrow."
-Toms website

1 comment:

  1. Sign me up. But I have to be able to put my orthotics in them. Could be a problem. But enjoy, Sarah. Keep blogging. Your energy comes through the narrative.
