Friday, October 30, 2009

This past week I have seen God moving. Yesterday a friend who I hadn't talked to in a while contacted me. Let me explain why this is a big deal. The last time I saw this friend he refused to talk to me. I never felt such a sense of hatred as I felt from this friend. it was for absolutely no reason that I could see as to why he randomly decided to hate me. One week we talked for hours about life, and the next he refused to even acknowledge me. While I was hurt, I felt like I wasn't supposed to say anything to him. So our friendship was severed, I thought the good times were gone. And all for a reason I had no idea about.
Now that you understand this context, when this boy contacted me yesterday, I was wary. However I was shocked when he told me he was sorry. I asked him for what, and he gave me an in depth apology for how he had acted towards me all those many months ago.

I'm so glad that I didn't do anything stupid back when he hated me. I guess God's way always is the right way.

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